Package Installation

This step-by-step guide ensures a smooth and hassle-free installation process, allowing you to quickly get started.


Installation begins with the AppExchange. From our Listing, click the Try Now, or Get It Now button.

You may need to Login to the AppExchange.

Verify that the Salesforce Username is correct, then choose if you want to install into Production or in a Sandbox.

Next, provide your contact and billing details.

Choose your payment plan.

Provide your payment information. This can be updated later if the card changes or becomes expired.

On the Confirm Installation Details screen, make sure everything is correct (scroll down to double check everything). You'll also be asked a second time to "really" confirm.

Begin Configuration

When the installation is complete, launch the UTM Touchpoints Configuration from the App Launcher.

Note: if you are delegating the actual app configuration to another user, they will need to either be:

  • A user with the Salesforce Administrator Profile (or an equivalent you have made)
  • A user with the Packaged Permission Set: UTM Touchpoints